Happy 4th of July y’all! 🇺🇸
Wherever you are, whether you’re celebrating with family or are just feeling that this year isn’t quite the same; it’s not.
I am right there with many of you, mourning the old memories on this holiday and looking forward to next year when we can gather again and carry on with the traditions.
One thing we can do though is make new memories and traditions which is what I’m doing this year! Although not as exciting as a parade and large party with friends I’m staying home with the family and cooking out, followed by enjoying these new sweet treats I whipped up this year!

Smoothie Drumsticks!
Three layers of different flavored frozen treats nestled in a traditional waffle cone!
Layer one: Strawberry smoothie 🍓
Layer two: Vanilla “nicecream” (banana) 🍌
Layer three: Blueberry frozen yogurt 💙🍦
Each layer representing a color from our nations flag and a flavor that holds many American memories.

Kick back and enjoy this fruity packed, refreshing treat with a little extra love (protein, probiotics, antioxidants, & sprinkles 😋).

Change is hard, the unusual is not comfortable, but we will continue on and bring these new traditions to the next year! Let’s keep inventing and making new memories!

*Recipe to be uploaded on website later tonight/early tomorrow.*

#afitforeveryfood #petraseatsrd #icecream #smoothiedrumstick #drumstickicecream #cooloff #sweettreat #happy4thofjuly #newtraditions #recipedevelopment #nicecream #smoothierecipes #frozentreats #protein #probiotics #antioxidants #healthyisdelicious #childhoodfoodmakeover